Royal Observer Corps (ROC)

This page is still under construction. More material will be added over the coming months.

There is a wealth of material on the ROC available online. As always, Wikipedia is a good place to start.

Chris Cock’s ROC Photographs

Our project volunteer Chris Cock was an ROC observer for over a decade, until its disbandment in ….. All of the images below are copyright Chris Cock

Thetford ROC post, 1951

L to R – Observers Barry Marchant, Trevor Burlingham and Chris Cock.
Photo taken at a checkpoint close to RAF Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire, where the trio were the official time keepers for the world record attempt by Wing Commander Ken Wallis who was flying his Autogyro non stop between Waterbeach and another checkpoint at West Winch near Kings Lynn. He obtained  the record that day for a  non stop closed circuit between the two points something like 6 hours without landing.

Chris Cock in the Mundford ROC post on Families Day, 1981

Chris Cock (centre) operating the TeleTalk apparatus at 32 Post, Mundford, during exercise WARMON, 21st September 1981, with Observer Steven Rand (standing) and Observer Chris Hayes (front).

…. changing the [photographic paper in the Ground Zero Indicator apparatus at Mundford ROC post.

Unauthorised additional WW2-vintage Anderson shelter added outside their post by the Mundford ROC Observers.