All of our booking is done online – click HERE for details of how booking works.
Key points:
- We add the details about each event to this page as soon as they are confirmed. So if some (sometimes most!) details are missing, it’s because we don’t have them yet … so please be patient and check back closer to the date.
- Booking for each event opens about three weeks in advance. As soon as the date of an event is confirmed, this page will say when booking opens.
- Don’t worry about physical tickets – we never use them! Just book and turn up. The committee member in charge will have a list of everyone who has booked.
13th October, 11.00am
Fungus Foray, Didlington
By kind permission of Fiona Dickson. The foray will be led, as was last year’s, by Tony Leech, county fungus recorder for Norfolk.
Booking is now open. Click HERE for information and to book.
Evening of 6th December
Christmas Social, West Stow Hall
Details are being finalised and will be announced shortly. Meanwhile reserve the evening of Friday 6th December in your diary! Tickets go on sale on 15th November. Members only.
Late February, date tba
“Looking For The Goshawk”
A talk by award-winning author Conor Jameson, Mundford village hall.