Cranwich St Mary

St Mary’s Church, Cranwich

St Mary's church, Cranwich

Name of Researcher/s Carol Palfreyman & Michael Willett

Name or number of building

St Mary

Street name






Open Space Web-Map builder Code

Current use

Church (in use)

Nature of original building (if discernible)

Alterations and additions

Please describe (if discernible)

Some windows are later but still medieval. Some buttresses are C19 or later.

Some cement rendering on S wall

Cement rendering on N wall

Porch is rendered.

Approximate General Period

Please include any information giving a more specific date, e.g. date plaque.

Medieval – up to 1530

Tower is Saxon

Nave, Norman and chancel about 1300


Church :

Nave and Chancel


South Porch



Walling Material

Other Combination

Flint rubble with stone dressing mostly flint, pieces of brick, clunch, re-used stone & some carstone on the tower

Flint Walling Technique

Random Rubble

Roofing Material


Currently thatched and probably for most of its

history, but did have a slate roof for a period

during the C19

Doorway /Lintel Detail

Porch is C15

The S door is C12 chamfered semi-circular arch

with hood mould and dogtooth decoration.

The blocked in N door directly opposite is late


Window Detail

S Wall nave

C14 lancet cusped & later medieval 2 and 3 light

cusped windows

S Wall Chancel

2 light & tracery

E Window

3 light & tracery, tracery is probably Victorian

Please describe any outstanding or significant flintwork

There is no worked flint anywhere on the building