Icklingham St James

St James’ Church, Icklingham

Name of Researcher/s Imogen Radford

IcklinghamSJ 02

Name or number of building

St James’ church, Icklingham

Street name

The Street






Open Space Web-Map builder Code

Current use

Church (in use)

Nature of original building (if discernible)

St James’ church

Alterations and additions

Please describe (if discernible)

Tower collapsed in 18th century, rebuilt before 1820 using old material. Church restored 1860s (“heavy-handed”, Mortlock), particularly aisles and clerestory refaced and rebuilt, though retaining 14th century core and some features. 

21 ISJ IMG_0328

Approximate General Period

Please include any information giving a more specific date, e.g. date plaque.

Medieval – up to 1530

Chancel late 13th/early 14th century, nave and porch Perpendicular.

Georgian – 1700-1830 tower around 1800 or before 1820

Victorian – 1830-1900 restoration – north and south aisles

Date plaque scratched in flint: “H.A.1865”: (photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/norfolkodyssey/6042433896/in/set-72157627307183707 (Simon’s Suffolk churches), also one scratched: “Joseph Needham 1865”.

Edwardian – 1900-1920 ? Flint scratched with “W.A. 1911” in tower west wall, unclear what work it refers to.

23 ISJ IMG_0445


Church :

Nave and Chancel, North Aisle, South Aisle, Tower & North Porch



Walling Material

Other Combination

Flint and stone, flint and thin bricks or edgeways tiles in places (chancel south and east walls ).

24 ISJ IMG_0365 25 ISJ IMG_0367

White brick (tower battlements)

22 ISJ IMG_0449

Flint Walling Technique

Random Rubble (tower & chancel)

36 ISJ IMG_0340

  (first 3 types all appear on same walls of chancel)

Irregular Coursed (chancel )

Regular Coursed (chancel )

24 ISJ IMG_0365 25 ISJ IMG_0367 33  ISJ IMG_0373

Knapped (aisle walls) 

28 ISJ IMG_0347 30 ISJ IMG_0361 31 ISJ IMG_0380 32 ISJ IMG_0374 26 ISJ IMG_0335 27 ISJ IMG_0345

Roofing Material


Peg tiles – roof of porch (look newer) and of chancel (moss/lichen) 

33  ISJ IMG_0373

Lead from south aisle roof had just been stolen the week before my visit, I was told by the lady that let me in. Lead roofs renewed 1911.

Doorway /Lintel Detail

Arched ?

Original medieval N door, inside porch, moulded arch, simple decoration 

34 ISJ IMG_0392

35 ISJ IMG_0394

S aisle door medieval, moulded arch, carved faces

28 ISJ IMG_0347

29 ISJ IMG_0348

S chancel door, simple arch and carvings

24 ISJ IMG_0365

N chancel Mortlock suggests from marks on n wall possibly once had a door and a chapel, while Tricker says they appear to indicate a tomb recess and a low-side window 33  ISJ IMG_0373

Window Detail

I am a bit confused about the windows. Mortlock says nave is Perpendicular, retaining the Decorated windows, but the N and S aisles are Victorian additions. Tricker says aisle and clerestory windows were so greatly renewed in 19th century it is hard to see what was here before. But some stonework preserved, eg w window n aisle 26 ISJ IMG_0335, e window s aisle 30 ISJ IMG_0361

East window Decorated 25 ISJ IMG_0367

NW chancel window 15th century 32 ISJ IMG_0374

W tower window 19th century except for reset carved window head 36 ISJ IMG_0340

Please describe any outstanding or significant flint work.

Much mid 19th century knapped flint work made with very small squared flints, especially on aisles restored 19th century, also bottom of buttress.

Whole flints chancel and clerestory 32 ISJ IMG_0374 31 ISJ IMG_0380.

Any other details or information.

St James is one of two churches in the village, next to large flour mills.

The village is now one parish, Icklingham, but was originally two parishes, All Saints and St James, with the boundaries still marked on front of Flint House in The Street.

Some nice stone carving details on exterior, on windows or gargoyles

29 ISJ IMG_0348

 porch37 ISJ IMG_0390 n aisle detail 31 ISJ IMG_0380.

Interior 15th century nave roof and arcades 38 ISJ IMG_0423

Any additional observations or comments

Other sources



There is a collection of extracts from guides in All Saints church about both churches.

Roy Tricker, The Churches of Icklingham: All Saints; Saint James: Brief guide, 1980 (from church)