
Langford Warren

Warren Features

Earliest documentary evidence
Lease of 1476
[NRO PTR 1/123/12]

Other documentary evidence
1398 Will, John Methewold– may mention warren.
Lease of 1476 gives bounds of the warren ‘the conyger at the downe and clappershyll and so thence unto Musden Lyng to Shakerswaye’. Agreement Prior of Thetford and Richard Methwolde ref sheep pasture 1500
Land purchase by Nicholas Bacon 1546
Estate records 1548-1869 Amherst Papers
Conveyances of Hilborough Manors 1610-11
Part of Lord Petre’s estate records – includes a plan of Langford 1640
Overseers’ Accounts 1645-78
Release of land 1674-1750
Manor of Langford 1746-1825
Sale of manor 1781-85
Part of Nelthorpe Estate 1798
Langford Lodge Heath
Map of part of estate 1805
Tithe Map 1839
Report on Ickburgh and Langford Farms 1882
[NROMicrofilm MF24 or MF/RO 137, NRO PTR 1/123/12, NRO PHI5784/578X3, NROMC265/1 648X8, NRO HIL1/12, 869X8 and HIL1/13-14, 869X9, NRO WLSXXVI4 414X6, NRO HIL1/281,876X6, NRO MC67/39, 512X1, NRO HIL1/227/1-8 and HIL1/228/1-15, 874X3, NRO MC67/46 512X7, NRO BRA2160/5, NRO MC 183/4, NROMC183/4, NRO DN/TA212, NRO MC84/48, 524X4]

main lodge: 1742 ref ‘in same field near Langford Lodge’

Marked on Faden’s Map of 1797

Boundary Banks
partly, single.

Bank 1 Clear of vegetation from corner to edge of conifer plantation although beginning to be obscured by bracken.

Bank 2 Slightly obscured by bracken growth.

Bank 3 As for ‘2’ – and uncertain as to whether part of perimeter bank.

No discernible internal banks
Internal Enclosures
Possibly Bank 1
Estimated length of banks: 100m.
Estimated height of banks: c1.5m Width 6-6.5m

Flint, chalk, brick. Evidence of putlog holes. Regular coursed work with knapped flints. Brick – as thin cornerstone -Tudor ?
Bank 1 may be part of an enclosure as is south of the warren lodge. No evidence of bank to north of lodge except for a short section near the lodge.

Other documentary evidence
Document of 1476 – indenture made at Langford between Richard Methwold and John Wright/ William Nele (of Methwold Hythe) to lease for 5 years from the Feast of Candlemas ‘the conyger at the downe and Claper Hill and from thence unto Musden Lyng to Shakerswaye’.
No further map evidence or documentary evidence clarifying these sites.
Conversations with local (elderly) people suggest Claper Hill is within Stanta Battle Area (as is Langford Church). Also possible banks in High Ash area, past Falconer’s Lodge. ‘Shakerswaye’ may be area near Shakers’ Wood to south-west of lodge. Musden Lyng – unknown.

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